Bad news:
We have to announce that the whole show in Düsseldorf on the 26th of November has been cancelled because of massive problems on the part of the organizer. We are very sad not to play the show! It is definitely not the failure of the band… that’s for sure! SORRY to all our fans and friends who wanted to see us in Düsseldorf!
The good news: the pre-production sessions are going very well! We have a few neck-breaking new songs and a lot of killer-riffs! We are sure that the new songs REALLY ROCK !! Anyway, we will play some other shows in December. We will announce them within the next week.
That’s it for now – more news to come!!
oooh nooo !! , schade ich hatte das Bier schon kalt gestellt und mich auf “weakness” gefreut. Dann hoffe ich das eure Dez. Tour euch zumindest in die Nähe von D´dorf bringt damit wir nicht immer so weit fahren müßen.Wie siehts denn aus mit “70000 tons of metal” da gbt es noch freie spots …Gruß Martin
Hello guys! It’s my first comment here and I know it’s not placed correctly, but it’s the only recent thread I found regarding tours, so here it goes:
COME TO GREECE!!!!! We love you here, “Memorial roots” is a killer and your best album so far, and we are waiting for you here, in one of the most hardcore fans metal countries!
Keep on the good work!
News sind jetzt auch schon knapp 3 Wochen alt und es hieß das es bald neue Termine gibt ??
Am bestem ihr rockt mal Heidenheim …wir brauchen euch Lokalmatadoren =)
Naja egal hauptsache ich seh euch dieses Jahr noch
Also Haut rein
Brainstorm is one of my favorite bands, and I absolutely love how you went back to your original sound. It is so badass. What is going to be the name of your new album? If you don’t mind me asking. lol! I hear these voices everywhere!!!! Metal Forever